Through The Years

The Sydney True Blues Rangers Supporters Club were formed in 2012 with the purpose of providing a venue to show the vast majority of Rangers matches live rather than just the big crowd pulling games.  The STB recognised the fact that Sydney was the home or holiday destination of many loyal supporting fans and that geography should not get in the way of their passion.  As such, The Aurora Hotel, Surry Hills, conveniently located directly opposite Central Station, became the home of the STB hosting the vast majority of games even with kick off times of 2am and 645am.

The STB are members of the Oceanic Rangers Supporters Association (ORSA) giving the club an official link to Rangers and entitling club members match tickets when they happen to be back home.  As a result of the club being a member of ORSA the STB had the pleasure of hosting the, at time, CEO of Rangers, Charles Green for a question and answer session.  The day was a great success with 150 people packing into the Aurora to hear what our new leader had to say.  This being the only man who had the nerve the step up and put his neck on the line to save Rangers during their darkest days of administration and liquidation.

Over the course of the last year the club and its members have raised over $4,000 for a number of charities through various events and fundraisers.  Based on membership numbers and the club still being in its early days we are all incredibly proud of this figure and hope to do a lot more in the future.

Highlights of the last year include – (click the titles to view the relevant photo gallery)


The ORSA AGM was hosted by the Perth Western Australia Rangers Supports Club and 4 representatives of the STB made the trip to represent the club and meet former players Andy Goram and Lorenzo Amoruso.

End of Season 2011/12 Fund Raiser

In the summer of 2012 Rangers were going through administration and the support showed by fans World wide was phenomenal.  The STB held an end of season fundraiser where all money raised was donated to the Rangers Fans Fighting Fund which was set up to help fund the day to day running of the club and keep normal people from losing their jobs.

FFDU 5-a-sde football Tournaments June November 2012

The STB entered teams into both the FFDU football tournaments last year, unfortunately they never won but came close on both occasions.

The Greatest Ever Australian Footballer

In July 2012 members of the STB attended the star studded, Greatest Ever Australian Footballer, gala event in aid of the Johnny Warren Football Foundation where they shared a table with former Rangers captain Craig Moore.  Craig won a place in the greatest Australian team that night.  Former Rangers player Tony Vidmar was in attendance at the event.

Charles Green Q&A

As mentioned above, The STB played host to Charles Green as he visited Sydney to meet fans and answer their questions.  This was easily the biggest and highlight event of the year for the STB and it was a great success and everyone had an amazing day.

Jim Hannah

Rangers Fans Liaison officer, Jim Hannah was also in Sydney at the same time as Charles Green but he had more time in Sydney and as such made the effort to attend a live game  in the Aurora even though it was a 2pm kick off!

Jim Traynor

Jim Traynor, Head of Media at Rangers, was in Sydney in March on holiday but agreed to meet members of the STB for a meal and a few drinks.  This was a great evening with Scotland’s most respected and honest sports journalist.


The Sydney True Blues can also be found on Facebook and Twitter